Designation of Saudi Telecommunications Company (STC) as a dominant service provider in the retail business data services at fixed locations market

  • Number:
  • 277/1431
  • Date:
  • 12/10/1431 H
  • (Regulatory )
  • ( )

The Governor of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), pursuant to the  Telecommunications Act, its Bylaw and the CITC Ordinance, and after reviewing CITC Decision No. (1/1423) and the CITC Decision No. (271/1431) and the Telecommunications sector Market Definition, Designation and Dominance Report (1431/2010),
Hereby decides as follows
Article One
Designation of STC as a dominant service provider in the 'retail business data services at fixed locations' market.
Article Two
The Saudi Telecommunications Company (STC) shall comply with the following Regulatory Requirements:
  • Submit to CITC applications for approval of tariffs for services in this market.
  • Submit to CITC studies related to the costs of services in this market.
  • Apply accounting separation between telecommunications services.
Article Three
This decision shall be communicated to STC and all parties concerned to act accordingly within three (3) months from the date of its issuance.

Governor, CITC
Dr. Abdulrahman Bin Ahmed Al-Jaafari

​​​Telecommunications sector Market ​Definition, Designation and ​Dominance Report (1431/2010)