In line with the CITC's efforts to regulate the ICT sector by raising the efficiency of the sector, through enhance fair competition and protect public interest. CITC seeking to optimizing the markets and prevent non- competitive practices. CITC recently set some ex ante obligations imposed on dominant service providers (DSP), One of this obligations is the accounting separation (AS) according to latest Market Definition, Designation and Dominance report (MDDD).
CITC recently reviewed AS policy date back to CITC decision (44/1425) of 10/04/1425H. This reviewing aim to study current state for market and identify the best practices in this regard to update current AS policy by set guidelines & rules the DSP obligated to apply it for prepare their accounts “ Regulatory Accounts “ to submitted to CITC . Therefore CITC has published its final accounting separation regulatory framework decision NO.(403/1440) date (09/06/1440H) .